Download pirkei avos pdf
The on duty librarian explained that I could only access a particular sefer by first finding its call number on the computer database. The result? The look of disbelief on her face was unmistakable. Each generation has its own challenges and its own unique set of circumstances, and as such needs its own commentary.
The nisyonos of the Jews in France in the eleventh century were not the same as those of the Jews in Poland in the eighteenth century, and neither are the same as those we face today. Internet, drugs, assimilation, consumerism, the loosening of moral constraints — the yetzer hara has many faces and appears in many forms, unhindered by the passage of time. Thankfully, we have the lessons of our Sages to guide us.
The teachings of Pirkei Avos are timeless; they contain answers to the moral challenges of every generation. However, the particular application of those messages to the needs of each generation changes according to the times. The above illustrates the fact that since outside influences constantly mutate our perception of reality, every generation needs to delve anew into the words of Chazal and rediscover how to apply the eternal truths of Torah to the challenges of the day.
My goal in writing on Avos was to show how the Mishnaiyos are as applicable today as they were throughout the millennia and that, far from being an outdated 2,year-old document, its teachings are ever vibrant and relevant, containing lessons and ethics that far surpass the wisdom of modern thinkers. Yaakov Yossef of Polonia The tzaddik serves with yirah; the chassid , with ahavah rather that he loves himself and enjoys eating tasty things Study of Chassidus via telephone.
Lesson from Rabbi Akiva's disciples each Jew must be accorded the fullest measure of In light of this , let us ask again , what is the source of our inner wisdom? We read in Pirkei Avos : Beloved is man who is created b'tzelem - in the [ Divine image. The following anecdote from his childhood years sheds some light on his mind - set even at a tender age He prophesied that ' the boy will light a great torch of knowledge in Israel.
In later years , Rav Tzadok lived in Lublin where he Abba Shaul said in his name: if all the sages of Israel were on one scale of the balance, and Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus also with them, and Rabbi Eleazar ben Arach on the other scale, he would outweigh them all. Rabbi Elazar said, a good heart. He [Rabban Yohanan] said to them: I prefer the words of Elazar ben Arach, for in his words your words are included. He [Rabban Yohanan] said unto them: go forth and observe which is the evil way which a man should shun?
Rabbi Elazar said, an evil heart. And [he also said:] warm yourself before the fire of the wise, but beware of being singed by their glowing coals, for their bite is the bite of a fox, and their sting is the sting of a scorpion, and their hiss is the hiss of a serpent, and all their words are like coals of fire. Faithful is your employer to pay you the reward of your labor; And know that the grant of reward unto the righteous is in the age to come.
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