Humble bundle torrent not downloading

No luck with any of the javascript ones or achidlow 's python script. The API seems to need to login before pulling the inventory :. So, rather than the whole inventory, you can download seperate orders at once with your order key.

My own personal browser-based solution. This is designed to be run from the Humble Library page. It should download every EPUB file on the page. You could replace EPUB with another format and receive similar results for that format.

Note that either of these solutions should be run from the browser console. Only verified to work in Chrome. Here's my version that just creates wget commands to paste into a terminal for every link on the page that points to humble's file domain, worked great on the books page that I tired. Chrome seems to truncate long URLs logged with console. If you see URLs ending with " … " using azdle 's script, replace console. Before finding this gist, I came up with this — it's almost the same thing, it just uses -O filename instead of --content-disposition :.

I've been working on a Perl script to do the downloads. You will need to login via the website first and grab the session cookie. If you go to run it you'll need to manually tweak it some first: HumbleBundleDL. Building on what azdle wrote I have modified the script to only select PDF files and changed the syntax for Windows PowerShell's wget command:.

Thanks azdle , couldn't of done it without your code to start. FYI, for regular wget e. So you need to modify the above to change -Outfile to -O. Although Mac doesn't have wget installed by default, in that case using curl, modify the IF statement to be:. So I'm currently downloading just about everything to put in a Calibre library. Since some of the bundles have some repeat content looking at you , Make I updated the KurtBurgess script to test the working directory for a copy of the current file and skip it if present:.

Next steps, adding a bash variant, and seeing if I can remove the repeated if statements for a some. A modified version of kellerkindt. If you're using the above, you may need to place the generated link in double quotes so your shell interprets the ampersand literally.

I tried to tweak this but I hit an issue with whitespace which would be easy for someone who actually knows Javascript to fix. Sadly this person is not me.

Maybe this works. Apologies for hackyness. I'm sure a better alteration is possible but like I say, I don't know javascript. Instead of wget this uses curl, because wget's -O does not create directories automatically and while -P does, -O and -P cannot be used together. I took jmerle 's code and changed the last line:. If you are like me and have way too many book bundles, you might be interested in something like the following code.

Feel free to tell me how to make this script more readable, convenient and generally just better. Skip to content. I apologize. We're not able to comment on the methods for compiling the torrents. I know that makes reproducing harder, and I apologize. My best recommendation in the short-term is to use a different client like utorrent sorry again for the hassle!

Supporting an absolute path in a torrent could easily be seen as a security risk. Utilities for file transfer like 'tar', for example , deliberately strip off absolute paths due to the security problems.

It would be all to easy to have a torrent overwrite all the files in your home directory or any directory on the system where you have write access. It makes sense to limit a file-transfer util like transmission to saving files under "some" subdirectory.

To give torrents the ability to go out of its configured subdirectory would be a disaster waiting to happen. Astara - while going up the folder tree should definitely be prevented, the torrent still should do something other than fail entirely.

One possibility would be to just strip the path entirely as you mention. Another option would be the way zip works:. Astara hauntingEcho. This can be dealt with without security issues and without stripping the path entirely by properly recognizing valid path elements.

If you strip the path, you would have people complaining because of filename collisions. I don't see the harm in adding on linux, anyway , ". That said, I'm guessing it's a matter of resources and how often this bug comes up "in general", while every bug that one reports is impacting the reporter or they wouldn't have reported it , how many people it impacts is another matter.

Most torrent creation software, I'm guessing strips out absolute path components when the torrent is created, but there are always some creation clients that won't test inputs and allow garbage-in, creating garbage-out. Am wondering in your case, are the torrents created by humble utilities, or do they just host torrents created by any third party util.

If it was the former, you could lobby them to patch up absolute paths to relative, but it sounds like its the latter, which makes it harder to get them to change things -- unless you can convince them of how it is a security risk.

Almost every security problem is a convergence of multiple effects from different sources that hit some 'edge case' They were reduced from what they were, but 2. It's not uncommon to have a top-folder with source material and a subdir with extra docs or images.

So what is different about the torrent you mention? Maybe the subdir has to be "pre-mentioned" as a dir in the torrent file? Yeah, sounds like the torrent file is ill-formed. I bet you could recreate the torrent file, adding the metadata element, and it would work correctly. From the error message you got, it complained that "MiniMetro-gamma19a-linux. BTW, it might help if you 'xz' compressed posted the torrent file as a sample the torrent files shouldn't have any personally identifying information, since they get distributed to anyone who wants to download the torrent.

NOTE: please only post a torrent file for free material i. I just tested with all games in my Humble Bundle account with Transmission 2. If the info dictionary has any changes made to it the hash changes so that's why you just can't change the name or such, Same problem here.

Transmission works with a torrent file for Xubuntu This affects almost every Humble Bundle game torrent as in the ones that Humble distribute themselves. Only very rarely have I had one of their torrents actually work in Transmission due to this issue. It would seem that at least the version in Debian unstable 2. I have over Humble Bundle torrents I cannot download because of the path component in the file name —and it's not clear why the torrent specifying a subdir where to place files should be invalid, provided it's not an absolute path.

Attempting to download "Outcast 2" from Humble bundle recently i ran into the issue. My situation is a tiny bit different, i'm running a Synology NAS with the 'Download Station' app for all forms of downloading. The response from Humble Bundle above was disappointing considering this is likely to affect many users, only a few of whom will follow it up as an issue.

Should we implement a technical solution to prevent rampant piracy of our download links? That might be optimal -- only if done right though. We have gotten many positive messages especially from Linux users about our relaxed edge servers like this one from Don:. Hey thanks for putting the downloads on a plain server with no cookie auth required, I hate it when I can't use wget and resumes.

Some websites really make it a pain to download stuff trying to block unauthorized folks, even exporting cookies and using the --load-cookies trick in wget won't work. There is probably a way to get the best of both worlds, but it's not my area of expertise. Making the download experience worse for generous contributors in the name of punishing pirates doesn't really fit with the spirit of the bundle. When considering any kind of DRM, we have to ask ourselves, "How many legitimate users is it ok to inconvenience in order to reduce piracy?

If you are deadset on pirating the bundle, please consider downloading it from BitTorrent instead of using up our bandwidth! Also, even though you are pirating our games, please tell some of your friends about the Humble Indie Bundle. Posting to Facebook, telling your Twitter followers , or simply talking to someone sure doesn't require a credit card. Welcome to the Wolfire Blog! This is where we keep everyone up to date on our progress on Overgrowth and other new stuff.

Be sure to subscribe to get the latest news! Also, be sure to check out the forums for even more up to date news - or get on IRC for up to the second updates. By Jeffrey Rosen on May 10th, Email Updates.


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